What stops you from speaking up?

Your response might be you don’t want to forget your words, waffle or wander off the point. If we had to summarise all those worries and barriers, that’s all about not wanting to make a fool of ourselves.   We don’t want to mess up. But maybe it is something...

Common Mistakes in presentations – helped by AI

I asked ChatGPT to tell me what were the common mistakes in presentations. It came up with a list of 13 5 of the 13 were to do with slides., and of these, three were the first three on the list 3 of the 13 had to do with the audience 3 had to do with the structure 2...

Speaking up – and creating conflict

They were going at it hammer and tongs. I was mortified.  Watching in fascination but equally feeling super uncomfortable, I stood by while my colleagues argued with gusto.  Eventually, I blurted out that I was going to go to the bar and could I get anyone anything....